Windows 10 "messagebox creator" downloads

Results: 1 - 2 of 2

Windows 10 - GUI VBScript messagebox creator 1.0.0 screenshot

GUI VBScript messagebox creator

Introducing the GUI VBScript MessageBox Creator by HiddenWindows – a powerful tool designed to ... prompts, or delivering important notifications, the GUI VBScript MessageBox Creator is an essential addition to your Windows ...

Price: FREE / Open Source
Windows 10 - Ampare Speech To Amaar and Martin 5.0 screenshot

Ampare Speech To Amaar and Martin

... a professional taking meeting minutes, or a content creator looking to transcribe interviews. The software's interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it accessible to users of ...

Price: FREE / Freeware
  • Editor's pick

Results: 1 - 2 of 2