Download Serato DJ Intro

Version: Serato DJ Intro 1.3.0
Size: 5.17 MB
Platform: Win

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System requirements
Mac Windows
Serato DJ Intro
Operating System* macOS 10.12 Sierra
Mac OS X 10.11
Mac OS X 10.10
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 7 with SP1
Processor i3: 1.07GHz 32 bit, 64 bit
i5: 1.07GHz 32 bit, 64 bit
i7: 1.07GHz 32 bit, 64 bit
Screen Resolution 1280 x 720
Memory 4 GB
USB Available USB 2.0 port
Available storage 5 GB

*Operating System support assumes you are using the latest point release.